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Exterior Frame Walls
The different choices available for exterior frame wall materials are listed below. Click a graphic to display a popup description. Click the name to go to a full page description.
Note: Enter a percentage between 0 and 100.
If some or all of the exterior walls are frame exterior walls, then the framing types must total 100%. If all of the exterior walls are masonry, then there should be no entry for Framing.
Siding, Cement Fiber
Shakes, Wood
Siding, Plywood Only
Brick on Frame
Shingles, Cement Fiber
Siding, Steel
Brick on Frame, Custom
Shingles, Pine
Siding, T-111
Brownstone on Frame
Siding, Aluminum
Siding, Vinyl
EIFS on Frame
Siding, Barn Plank
Siding, Vinyl, Custom
Faux Panel
Siding, Barn Plank, Custom
Siding, Wood
Faux Panel, Custom
Siding, Clapboard
Siding, Wood, Custom
Fieldstone on Frame
Siding, Clapboard, Redwood
Stone on Frame
Greenhouse Wall
Siding, Hardboard
Stone on Frame, Custom
Half-Timber and Brick on Frame
Siding, Logs
Stone on Frame, Polished Face
Half-Timber and Stucco on Frame
Siding, Logs, Custom
Stone on Frame, Sawn Face
Limestone on Frame
Siding, Logs, Deluxe, Half-Round
Stone on Frame, Seam Face
Sandstone on Frame
Siding, Logs, Deluxe, Hand-Hewn
Stone on Frame, Split Rock
Shakes, Victorian Scalloped
Siding, Logs, Deluxe, Oversized
Stucco on Frame
Siding, Vinyl Shake Shingle
Breezeway Wall
Stucco on Frame, Custom
Help file last modified: 7/26/2018