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Siding that is constructed of cement, sand, cellulose fiber, and minerals. Usually found in 5/16” thick sheets that are 12’ long and 5" to 12" wide. The siding is laid in overlapping layers on the exterior frame and usually nailed to the sheathing over a layer of vapor barrier. Cement fiber siding typically resembles traditional clapboard or lap style wood siding.
Note: This siding material is designed to complement the current cement fiber shingles material and should be used for cement fiber lap and clapboard style siding and not for cement fiber shingles. You should use the cement fiber shingle material selection in RCT for cement fiber shingles.
Included in Cost: Cement fiber siding, nails, exterior trim, paint, vapor barrier, flashing, caulking, insulation, and factory installation labor.
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Help file last modified: 7/26/2018