Exterior Walls

Use exterior wall materials to define the exterior wall construction, exterior wall finishes, columns, balconies, and specialty items like skirting and trim/molding.


Enter the total percentage of each type of exterior framing found in the home. Note: Enter a percentage between 0 and 100. If some or all of the exterior walls are frame exterior walls, then the framing types must total 100%. If all of the exterior walls are masonry, then there should be no entry for Framing.

Exterior Frame Walls

Enter the total percentage of each type of finish found on the exterior frame walls in the home.

Masonry Walls

Enter the total percentage of each type of exterior masonry wall found in the home.

Wall Specialties

Enter the total square footage or linear footage of the exterior wall specialty items like skirting and trim/molding.


Enter the total linear footage of each type of column found in the home.


Enter the total square footage of each type of balcony found in the home.

Help file last modified: 7/26/2018