Sort Columns

You can sort the list of valuations in the dashboard in ascending order (from lowest to highest) or descending order (from highest to lowest).

To sort a column:

  1. Click a column heading to sort the valuations based on that column. An arrow appears to indicate that the column is sorted in either ascending or descending order.


    sort column

  2. Click the column heading again to switch between ascending and descending order.
  3. To cancel the sorting, click the column heading until the arrow disappears. (Clicking the column heading cycles between ascending, descending, and none).

You can sort multiple columns at the same time. In the following example, the State/Province column was sorted first, then the City column was sorted. The result is that states are sorted in ascending order and the cities within each state are also sorted in ascending order.

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Filter Items

Help file last modified: 7/26/2018