Partition Specialties

The available partition specialty items are listed below.

Enter the total number of each type of partition specialty items found in the home.

Cornice, Interior

Door, Raised Panel, Birch

Door, Bifold, Solid Core, Hardwood, Double

Door, Raised Panel, Oak

Door, Bi-Fold, Hollow Core, Softwood, Double

Door, Raised Panel, Pine

Door, Board and Batten

Door, Raised Panel, Walnut

Door, Carved Mahogany

Door, Solid Core, Birch

Door, Colonial, Multi-Panel

Door, Solid Core, Lauan

Door, Double Swing

Door, Solid Core, Mahogany

Door, Dutch

Door, Solid Core, Oak

Door, Fiberglass, Interior

Door, Solid Core, Walnut

Door, French

Insulation, Sound

Door, Glass Panel

Shelving, Glass

Door, Hollow Core, Birch

Shutters, Interior

Door, Hollow Core, Lauan

Wall Niche, Cast Plaster, Built-In Lights, Large

Door, Hollow Core, Oak

Wall Niche, Cast Plaster, Built-In Lights, Medium

Door, Hollow Core, Walnut

Wall Niche, Cast Plaster, Built-In Lights, Small

Door, Louvered

Wall Niche, Cast Plaster, Large

Door, Masonite

Wall Niche, Cast Plaster, Medium

Door, Mexican

Wall Niche, Cast Plaster, Small

Door, Mirrored

Wall Niche, Marble/Granite, Built-In Lights, Large

Door, Panel, Leaded Glass

Wall Niche, Marble/Granite, Built-In Lights, Medium

Door, Panel, Recessed

Wall Niche, Marble/Granite, Built-In Lights, Small

Door, Pocket, Hollow Core, Birch

Wall Niche, Marble/Granite, Large

Door, Pocket, Solid Core, Birch

Wall Niche, Marble/Granite, Medium

Door, Pocket, Solid Core, Lauan

Wall Niche, Marble/Granite, Small




Help file last modified: 7/26/2018