Kitchens, Baths, and Plumbing

Use kitchen, bath, and plumbing materials to define the kitchen and bathroom appliances, cabinetry, and plumbing.

RCT includes a wizard to help you select the type of kitchen and bath.

Kitchens, Complete

Instead of entering all the separate kitchen components, you can enter the total number of each type of kitchen found in the home.

Kitchens, Build-Up

Enter the total number of kitchen components found in the home.

Appliances, Build-Up

Enter the total number of each appliance component found in the home.

Bathrooms, Complete

Instead of entering all the separate bathroom components, you can enter the total number of each type of bathroom found in the home.

Bathrooms, Build-Up

Enter the total number of bathroom components found in the home.

Bath Specialties

In addition to the individual bathroom components, you can also enter bathroom specialty items.

Plumbing Specialties

Enter the total number of plumbing specialty items found in the home.

Help file last modified: 7/26/2018