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An open loop geothermal heat pump system uses existing groundwater as the fluid or refrigerant passing through pipes buried in the ground, which provides heating and cooling. The open loop system takes advantage of the naturally insulated temperatures of groundwater. As the groundwater, usually from a well, lake, or pond, circulates underground through the buried pipes, it absorbs heat from the groundwater. As it returns through the system, the groundwater passes through the heat pump, which uses electricity to extract the heat from the fluid. The groundwater is then sent back through the ground to the source (well, lake, or pond) to continue the cycle. The heat extracted from the circulating fluid and heat generated by the heat pump appliance as a byproduct of use is used to heat the residence or structure. The addition of the open loop translates to more heat being generated than if electricity alone had been used directly for heating. Switching the direction of heat flow, the same geothermal system can be used to circulate the cooled water through the house for cooling in the summer months.
Note: There are horizontal and vertical open loop systems. A horizontal loop system use water from a well and returns the water to the same well after being processed by the heat pump. Vertical loop systems use water from a pond or lake and return the water to the original pond or lake. Another method is to pump water from well and return it to a lake or pond. Open loop systems require a submersible pump to pump the water to the geothermal heat pump. The RCT open loop geothermal heating system is based on an average of a horizontal and vertical system.
Included in Cost: Hydronic geothermal heat pump system for heating and cooling, allowance for drilling fee to connect to system, open loop system with piping, tubing, well casing, submersible pump, trenching and/or drilling, backfill and/or grout, ductwork, registers, grills, diffusers, thermostat, and installation labor. Installation time depends on soil conditions, length and depth of pipe, and equipment required.
Enter the percentage of the home with an open loop geothermal heating and cooling system.
Help file last modified: 7/26/2018